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Is Liposuction safe for weight loss? What to expect, risks and side effects

Liposuction, a popular cosmetic procedure aimed at reshaping and contouring specific areas of the body by removing excess fat, is considered safe when performed by a qualified, board-certified and experienced plastic surgeon.
In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Rajat Gupta, Delhi-based board-certified Plastic Surgeon and Founder of RG Aesthetics, shared, “Liposuction is more than just a procedure; it’s a step towards self-improvement and confidence. Despite what many people think, liposuction is not an option for reducing weight. It is intended to target troublesome fat deposits that don’t go away with diet and exercise. Many men have benefitted from liposuction as it can help with Gynecomastia surgery (man boob removal) too. When performed by a qualified, board-certified surgeon, liposuction is considered safe. However, like any surgical procedure, liposuction comes with its set of risks and side effects—the key to minimizing these lies in the surgeon’s skilled hands.”
According to Dr Priya Bansal, Plastic Surgeon at Skinnovation Clinics in New-Delhi, “The common concerns associated with liposuction, includes infection, bleeding, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. Though these are manageable and, in many cases, preventable. It is very important to ensure patient safety and comfort by adhering to stringent sterile techniques and providing comprehensive aftercare and any surgeon concerned about the health and safety of their patients would follow the same practice. It should always be the “Patient First” approach.”

Swelling, bruising and temporary numbness are part of the recovery process. Meaningful patient education before the procedure and during the consultation helps eliminate doubts and prepares patients for the procedure. Contour irregularities and seromas, though less common, are risks that an experienced surgeon can skillfully navigate.
Understanding that each body is unique, Dr Rajat Gupta highlighted the importance of tailored approach to liposuction. He said, “Factors like the amount of fat removal, treatment areas, age, and underlying medical conditions play a crucial role in the procedure’s outcome. For instance, while there’s no age limit for liposuction, the suitability greatly depends on the individual’s skin elasticity, overall health, and readiness for the procedure. Its responsibility of the surgeon to make sure to get patients thoroughly examined for mental, physical, and psychological health before advising them about any cosmetic procedure.”
For those suffering from underlying disease, close monitoring is required. For example a diabetic can undergo liposuction if their diabetes is well-controlled and they pass a preoperative medical evaluation. Similarly, hypertensive patients require careful management before, during and after surgery. Therefore, a thorough health examination and a detailed consultation are required to know the possibilities, risks and outcomes.

As per Dr Priya Bansal, it is not about discouraging anyone but individuals with severe health issues, poor lifestyle habits or unrealistic expectations might need to consider alternatives.
Here are the people who should not opt for liposuction:
Addressing recent concerns over liposuction casualties, Dr Rajat Gupta stated that these incidents are rare when procedures are correctly executed. Safety is paramount. From patient selection to surgery, every step should be taken with the utmost care. To reduce risk and side effects, modern technology such as MicroAire and VASER can be effective. They help control movement so the surrounding tissues are not damaged, break the fat cells appropriately and help the skin take a more natural position by sticking to the tissue, reducing risks like seroma.
Personalised aftercare is critical for a safe recovery and optimal results. Every patient is unique and should receive a tailored aftercare plan to guide them through their recovery journey. Additionally, it is important to attend all the follow-up appointments that your doctor has scheduled in order to monitor the healing process and identify any potential issues.
Dr Gupta reiterated the importance of choosing the right surgeon and engaging in open discussions about goals and concerns. A thorough consultation is the foundation of a successful liposuction experience.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions about a medical condition.
